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Now, as Lead Designer in Summer 2021 I started designing the largest homecoming campaign CMU has had.

I wanted it to look unalike any other campaign that CMU has ever had. The Spring 2021 Homecoming was very typography based, and focused on wood type. In this campaign I wanted to utilize a sans serif typeface and stray away from the classic maverick mascot that is in every homecoming campaign.

I pitched a homecoming campaign that was based around photography. I wanted to represent the entirety of CMU and not only focus on sports, which usually gets highlighted during Homecoming.

The theme “People of CMU” is a photography based theme that embodies the spirit of CMU through representation of it’s people and it’s activities. Playing off of the famous book “Humans of New York” by Brandon Stanton this theme will feature the people who make Colorado Mesa University what it is.

This theme incorporates photography, typography, and texture to create a theme unlike any other. This theme will make homecoming about the true soul of the school: its people. Photos can feature clubs, events, classrooms, and anything that is representative of the Maverick Momentum. This theme opens up opportunities for the event to last longer than just one week. Not only can the utilization of photography open up the possibility of students becoming more involved in Homecoming, photography opens up the possibility to feature members of our community on social media. Referencing @humansofny on Instagram, media and photography students can utilize their interviewing and photography skills to post about the CMU community weekly.

After a year of social distancing, lets use this as a tool to get to know our community better. With clear design rules, type, and examples this theme can be as successful and interactive as we allow.

The goal of this theme is to incorporate more than just the Campus Design Studio and Marketing offices. Although my designers have more than just the ability to capture photos, interview, and post on social media, I believe that utilizing the majors that CMU offers can not only give students portfolio pieces but give them experience. I want to ideally open up options to submit photos for this theme and open up interviewing oppurtunities to Media students, KMSA, The Criterion, and Horizon Magazine. This theme is community oriented, so let’s get the community involved.

Social Media aspects can start the first week of school and go through the week of the Fall 2021 Homecoming. Posts on social media can be ran by myself or Student Life. This will utilize one of the best 21st century tools: the internet and allow students to become involved and learn about their community.